Refinance Car loan Bad Credit LOW Interest Rate

Getting stuck with a high interest rate on your car loan can seriously damage your financial situation


Yet by obtaining new financing with a better interest rate from one of the best companies for auto loan refinancing, even borrowers with bad credit may be able to make a change for the better.


We took an in-depth look at providers that work with borrowers with less-than-ideal credit on refinancing options.

As it turns out, several reputable providers offer reasonable rates, even for borrowers with low credit scores.

Keep reading to discover which lenders we recommend and to learn some useful information about refinancing an auto loan with bad credit.

Refinance Auto Loan Provider Overall Rating Our Award Bank of America 8.9 Top Choice for Bad Credit myAutoloan 9.2 Best Low-rate Option Auto Credit Express 8.7 Good Choice for Bad Credit

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Bank of America: Top Choice for Poor Credit Loan amounts: $7,500 minimum ($8,000 in Minnesota) Loan terms: 12 to 75 months Availability: 50 states Minimum credit score: None

MyAutoloan: Best Low-rate Option Loan amounts: $5,000 minimum Loan terms: 24 to 84 months Availability: 48 states (not available in Alaska or Hawaii) Minimum credit score: 575