interest only mortgage Definition Pros and Cons

An interest-only mortgage is a type of mortgage in which the mortgagor (the borrower) is required to pay only the interest on the loan for a certain period.


The principal is repaid either in a lump sum at a specified date, or in subsequent payments.


An interest-only mortgage is one where you solely make interest payments for the first several years of the loan, as opposed to your payments including both principal and interest.

Interest-only payments may be made for a specified time period, may be given as an option, or may last throughout the duration of the loan (mandating you pay it all back at the end).

Usually, interest-only loans are structured as a particular type of adjustable-rate mortgage.

While interest-only mortgages mean lower payments for a while, they also mean you aren't building up equity, and mean a big jump in payments when the interest-only period ends

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Understanding an Interest-Only Mortgage Interest-only mortgages can be structured in various ways.

Interest-only payments may be made for a specified time period, may be given as an option, or may last throughout the duration of the loan

With some lenders, paying the interest exclusively may be a provision that is only available for certain borrowers.

Most interest-only mortgages require only the interest payments for a specified time period—typically five, seven, or 10 years.