100 percent financing land loans

Farm ownership loans provide up to 100 percent financing and allow farmers and ranchers to purchase or expand family farms,


They are a valuable resource to aid land tenure in improving and expanding current operations, increasing agricultural productivity, and protecting agricultural land for future generations.


All FSA Direct farm ownership loans through local farm loan officers and farm loan managers, with a maximum loan amount of $600,000 ($300,150 for the beginning farmer down payment)

Funded and serviced by the agency. The money comes from appropriations by Congress as part of the USDA budget.

Also known as a participation loan, joint financing allows FSA to provide more farmers and ranchers with access to capital.

 FSA lends up to 50 percent of the cost or value of the property being purchased.

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A commercial lender, a State program, or the seller of the farm or ranch being purchased provides the balance of loan funds, with or without an FSA guarantee.

Maximum Loan Limitations The maximum loan amount for a "regular" Direct Farm Ownership loan is $600,000. The maximum loan amount for a Joint Financing or Participation Farm Ownership loan is $600,000.

Direct Farm Ownership Down Payment maximum loan amount works differently. The maximum loan amount under this loan program will not exceed 45 percent of whichever is the lesser amount of:

the purchase price; the appraised value of the farm being purchased; or $667,000

The balance of the purchase price not covered by the down payment loan and applicant down payment may be financed by a commercial, cooperative, or private lender, including the seller.